Our Story


Fight Against Cancer's goal is to raise money and put cash directly in the hands of cancer patients and their families dealing with the financial and physical impacts of the disease. We have the desire to create a strong community of support, friendship, and fighters around the world through laughter, love, caring, and happiness. Together we can continue the battle alongside one another. 

 Why Fight Against Cancer was Created

In early October of 2020 I had what I thought was a strained muscle in my abdomen. Like any person would do, I sought medical advice on what this issue could be. After two weeks of resting, the swelling in my upper abdomen would not go away. So, I decided to go in for a second opinion. They made an appointment for an ultrasound where it was discovered that I had an enlarged spleen. After some blood work was done, I received a call in early November and the voice on the other line relayed the news: "Your blood work indicates that you have leukemia. I'm glad you came in and I'm so sorry."

For most people, those words would have been devastating. For me it was almost inevitable. The saying I've always had in regard to this was- It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN. This is because I am not the first person in my immediate family to be diagnosed with cancer. I am not the second, third, or fourth. I’m not even the tenth person. I am now the nineteenth person in my family, including my mother and father, to be diagnosed with cancer.

When I received the news, I immediately went into action: what was next? After having my cancer confirmed and beginning treatment, I began wondering about what I could do to help. I walk into the hospital where I receive care and every time I leave I have that feeling that I am one of the lucky ones. My cancer was caught early, my treatment is relatively easy, and I can afford it. My life is almost normal. If you saw me walking down the street, you would have no idea that I have leukemia. For many facing their battle with this disease, that is simply not the case. Whether they are further along in their fight or they don't quite have the means to afford treatment, the message is always clear to me: I am one of the lucky ones.

The Fight Against Cancer was created to help those that haven’t been as fortunate as myself. For those that need a sense of community, understanding, friendship, or help physically or financially. It was created to help anyone, anywhere that is helping someone with their Fight Against Cancer. Last but not least, it was created for those that may not know of anyone that has cancer but would still like to support a great cause.

So, without Further ado… Welcome to The Fight Against Cancer.


Founder & CEO: Benjamin Madrid